Next information evenings:
17.02 from 7-8 p.m. 10.03 from 19-20 h

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Nature of Man

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Mountain experience

What meets

Life crisis - crisis of meaning - masculinity crisis - identity crisis - or simply the desire to become the best version of yourself?

Now is the time
for change

Nature of Man is an exclusive 7-day live retreat with selected coaches that brings you back to your authentic core.

Tackle it

Comprehensive mentoring at all levels - 1 intensive retreat week with Nature of Man - 3 months of coaching in the group - Well thought-out learning material in preparation for the retreat and for follow-up support 

These topics await you

achieve goals

The power within you

You will experience how essential silence is for your inner and outer clarity. By penetrating to your innermost core, you get to know the deep-seated power of your very own purpose. You become an observer of your trained processes. As a result, you will understand, process and materially consolidate your self from within.

healthy sport karate

Mental, spiritual
and physical fitness

Forget the comfort zone, at Nature of Man you step out of it. You will learn what is mentally, spiritually and physically possible. How to deal with your darkest core in order to become more resilient, stronger and more relaxed, both internally and externally. The aim is that (almost) nothing will upset you in the future.



You will learn important things about the triad of your physical health and will see and feel how important your mindset, your diet and exercise are. We will show you important options from nutrition and sports science that you can apply to your own life.

male presence deer

Powerful presence

Through targeted exercises, you will sharpen your presence in terms of mindfulness and communication with those around you. You will not only learn how to maintain your posture, but also how to appear genuine as a man in future meetings, events or dates.


Holistic masculinity

We look at the natural male strengths (animus): Confidence, inner strength, focus, logic, stability, courage, discipline, responsibility, protection, clarity. Through the clarity of your animus, you will also be able to integrate and live out your feminine parts (anima) as a man.

goals at a glance

Male values in business

You learn to integrate and live the values of masculinity in your business. A clear masculine presence will not only make you a better leader, even as an employee, but will also open doors to new business opportunities.


Feelings, acceptance, love

We break down the taboos of false "masculinity". You will learn how important closeness and physical contact are for you as a man. By opening your heart in a safe environment, you will be better able to reach and move yourself and other people.

Yin and Yang polarity

The essence of polarity

Put an end to the equalization of the sexes. We present you the indisputable difference between men and women and back them up. Through the laws of polarity, you will strengthen your attraction to femininity.

relationship with women

Relationship with women

We decode the myth of women in the places that matter, so that both you as a man and your partner can lead the love and soul life you desire. Whether you are a long-term single or a married man.


Thinking, feeling and acting authentically

During the 7 days of the event, you will receive more than just food for thought; you will be able to experience and observe your thoughts, feelings and actions for yourself. You will learn to feel yourself in a completely new way in order to unleash your authenticity and honesty not only towards your fellow human beings, but above all towards yourself.

friendship community

One community
of men

No more lone wolves! At Nature of Man, you are not sent on a journey by yourself. Nature of Man connects different personalities from different walks of life. It's not just a strong network for your business, it's more than friendships, it's a supportive brotherhood where you can talk about and resolve your most intimate male issues.


Integration of content
into your everyday life

After the event, your previous life comes back to you. The greatest danger of change lurks in everyday life. That's why we accompany you beyond the event. So that you can continue to develop your masculinity in every respect in the weeks that follow. We and your new-found community will keep you committed!

In short...

You will receive holistic and, above all, sustainable impulses for all areas of your life and achieve balance. Using our Holistic Life Cycles, you will work at your core, your individual needs and goals as well as your heart's desires, while obtaining the skills and interventions to do so – all within an appreciative community and with three experienced mentors at your side. By building a a strong connection to yourself, you will ultimately be able to free yourself from emotional dependencies. In short, YOU will learn everything you need to get into your holistic power as a man.



"Our mission is to reconnect men with themselves so that they can achieve freedom from the shackles of society and can take back responsibility for themselves. We want men to go through life with confidence and authenticity, so that they can create change in society."


Stefan Sillmann

Stefan Sillmann has been a professional executive coach, trainer, moderator and speaker for over 20 years and is the inventor of the Holistic Life Cycle. Everything he uses in training courses and workshops is tried and tested and multifunctional. At the Nature of Man Retreat, he offers space for reflection, clarity and the opportunity to break old patterns in order to live more authentically. His approach is honest, clear, distinct and above all mindful, conscious and always appreciative. It is about self-reflection, self-responsibility and self-control. It is about leadership and growth, satisfaction and gratitude, as well as success and balance.

niklas tantius
Niklas Tantius

Niklas Tantius is an experienced coach who deals intensively with masculinity and personal transformation. With a passion for adventure and personal growth, he uses movement and nature as tools to guide profound transformations in a safe, motivating space. With a focus on authenticity, movement, nutrition and self-discovery, Niklas guides men through profound processes that can permanently change their relationship with themselves and others.

Alexander Marinescu

Alexander Marinescu holds a degree in sports science and is a certified Positive Psychology Coach. As a mindful mentor, he helps people to establish inner and outer communication and to explore and overcome boundaries. In his coaching sessions and retreats, he focuses on emotional intelligence and healing old wounds to create a deeper connection with the self and others. Through interdisciplinary exercises and methods, he accompanies men on their path to greater clarity and inner strength.


Markus, 45 years old
I have already taken part in many workshops, but the men's retreat surpassed everything. The mix of physical challenge and inner work was exactly what I needed. I dealt with issues that I had suppressed for years and now feel much freer and more self-confident.
Jan, 37 years old:
Head of Strategic Invest
"The men's retreat was a transformative experience. Being in nature and at the same time dealing intensively with my own masculinity showed me how important it is to be true to yourself. The group and the coaches created an incredible atmosphere of openness and trust."
Sebastian, 42 years old
Fund manager
"The retreat was a profound experience that had a lasting effect on me. The combination of nature, intensive discussions and physical activity helped me to understand myself better and realign my inner compass. I can recommend it to any man who is ready to really engage with himself."
Alex, 37 years old
"My time in the Alps was a real break from my hectic everyday life. The program managed to challenge both my body and my mind. In particular, working on my social and financial patterns has given me new perspectives that I will now implement in my life."
Frederik, 28 years old
"The retreat was not only a journey to another place, but also to myself. Every day was intense and well thought out. The coaches guided us in a powerful and mindful way. I came home with new energy and a clear plan for my personal and professional future. Highly recommended for any man who is ready to get to know himself better."
Sebas, 43 years old
"I would never have thought that a week in the mountains could change so much. Stefan, Niklas and Alex took me out of my comfort zone and helped me to develop on all levels. Fantastic experience and highly recommended!"

Get to know us and the retreat in a free initial consultation.

Make an appointment for an info call

Or write us a message

10 QUESTIONS -> 10 reasons for Nature of man

Who are you - what is your mission?

Nature of Man is concerned with rediscovering the deepest self. Our retreats are a very special form of personal development. They are a journey to yourself, to the core elements of being a man, to the power of inner wisdom and thus perhaps even to the wisdom of the universe. It's a journey out of your comfort zone and into adventure. Ahead of you lies a path with 6 tests that encompass your essential areas of life.

  1. BodyLay the foundations for strength, vitality, stability and health.
  2. SpiritFind clarity of mind, clear goals and commitment to yourself and the word you have given.
  3. EmotionsBuild resilience, composure and sovereignty in difficult situations – the true strength of a man – feared and appreciated by men, loved by women.
  4. Material fitnessBe generous where there is need. Be thrifty where there is abundance. Keep your common sense in all material matters.
  5. Social competence and successBetter relationships, learning to set boundaries, compassion instead of pity, communicating properly, man and woman in exchange, friends, community.
  6. Spirituality and the big pictureFind your place and your mission, be your best possible self, stand your ground, walk your talk, do the right things for the right reasons.


Nature of Man Leo



Who am I? Scholars all over the world have been studying this topic for centuries. And they are all searching for the true self. This story from ancient Persia already hit the nail on the head back then:

Vlong, long ago, the gods sat together to discuss what they should do with the wisdom of the universe in order to preserve it from humans until they were mature enough for it.

One of the gods suggested hiding wisdom on the highest mountain on earth. But they quickly realized that man would soon climb all the mountains and that wisdom would not be hidden safely enough on the mountain top.

Then another suggested hiding wisdom in the deepest part of the sea. But even there, the gods thought there was a danger that people would find the wisdom too soon.

Then the wisest of all gods spoke up: "Let us hide the wisdom of the universe in man himself. He will only look for it there as soon as he is mature enough. And that only happens when he takes the path into his inner self."

The other gods were delighted by this proposal and so they hid the wisdom of the universe in man himself.

In principle we know what good is for us and have the answers to all the important questions already within us. And yet we often (if not for the longest time) do something different than we should... why? Because the wisdom of the universe is usually not really accessible and conscious to us. Because that would require precisely the maturity that the Persian gods spoke about. Time to get back to the source.

Nature of Man

The Nature of Man program deals with our true self and ways to find it again. As the name suggests, we look specifically at ourselves as men. Of course, women have the same questions about themselves. But honestly, we men already have enough to do with ourselves and leave women's issues to the women during our work.

Nature of Man is a very special form of personal development. We see it as a journey to yourself. To being a true man, to the power of your inner wisdom.

THE hero in you wants to be freed

Act 1: Departure

Every hero's journey begins with a wake-up call that reaches the hero of the story. This hero is you, even if you don't know it yet. At the beginning you will ask yourself, "What is this Nature of Man program anyway and why should it appeal to me of all people?"

Your subconscious has already responded to the call. You don't yet know exactly what it's really about, but you're still curious. You want to know more. Your intuition tells your mind: "Stay tuned, find out more. What do you have to lose?"

The first step is to arrange a no-obligation meeting with one of our top trainers. Perhaps he or she will be your future mentor during this program? During the conversation, many things will become clearer to you and you will know whether the time has come to make one of the best decisions of your life.

Act 2: Adventure

Time to leave your comfort zone and embark on an adventure. 6 different tests await you. Every day, you will focus on one of your 6 essential areas of life and let the true man in you have his say.

  1. Physical fitness: strength, vitality, stability and health.
  2. Mental fitness: Clear head, clear goals, commitment to yourself and the word you have given.
  3. Emotional fitness: resilience, composure and confidence in difficult situations. The true strength of a man. Feared and valued by men, loved by women.
  4. Social fitness means showing compassion instead of pity. Understanding instead of agreeing. Listening instead of talking. Helping without expectation. Giving without giving in return. Doing without complaining.
  5. Material fitness: make the most of opportunities. Keep your common sense in all material matters.
  6. Spiritual fitness. Walk your talk, be your best possible self! Focus on the big questions in life.

Each day ends with a test, the result of which will show you whether you are already a mature, holistic thinking and feeling man in this area of life or whether and how much potential you still have.

The important thing is: you are now on your way and you are not alone!

With the completion of the final exam, you will be solemnly welcomed into the community of the Nature of Man included. A community of men, forged through shared experiences, formative adventures and the knowledge that all members value each other and can rely on each other.

Act 3: The return

As a newborn man, you return to your everyday life and cross the second threshold. Parts of the old world will try to bring you back into your old life. You may even encounter resistance and envy. But your newfound self-confidence, clarity and inner strength will allow you to continue on your new path. Unwavering and yet adaptable. Straightforward, respectful and self-determined. You are a master of both the old and the new world.

Act 4: Your mission

Tell as many men as you can about your hero's journey and help them to release their inner hero too. The world can use more of us - especially now, at this time.

The Holistic Life Cycle

As we all know, every person is unique. This is precisely why it is almost impossible to truly and deeply understand this person in the fullness of their personality.

In our work as coaches, trainers and mentors, we always try to get as close as possible to this true personality with the help of different models and tools. A holistic view is very important to us in order to recognize, experience and experience as many facets of a person as possible.

The Holistic Life Cycle is a suitable, holistic model that was developed by our senior coach Stefan Sillmann after a conversation with his own spiritual teacher. It sees the human being as a unity of body, mind and soul. After many long hours and days, the model that is now complete was gradually developed with 6 fields or, as Stefan has named them, the six fitness areas of life.

The original name for the model was: "The Holistic Life Cycle", but every time Stefan announced this model in his coaching sessions with exactly that name, you always had the feeling that the coachee was thinking: 'But I don't want that! How did Stefan come up with this? Well, his gestures and facial expressions were clear!

In the end, the coaching model was called the "Holistic Life Cycle" and we know that there are many other coaches who have adopted and adapted it for themselves (with his approval, of course), which he is happy about because it means it works!

Building healthy patterns

Studies show that our brain needs at least 30 days to establish new habits. 90% of all new projects fail within this period!
That's exactly why we support you for a whole 90 days and help you in your change process. 

7 days retreat

3 months mentoring
Establish sustainable success in the long term

face your fears, find yourself and regain your strength! 

retreat diagram nature of man

Nature of Man is an exclusive 7 day live retreat that will bring you back to your authentic core.

You will receive holistic and, above all, sustainable impulses for all areas of your life and achieve balance. Using our Holistic Life Cycles, you will work at your core, your individual needs and goals as well as your heart's desires, while obtaining the skills and interventions to do so – all within an appreciative community and with three experienced mentors at your side. By building a a strong connection to yourself, you will ultimately be able to free yourself from emotional dependencies. In short, YOU will learn everything you need to get into your holistic power as a man.

Nature of Man is...

Your wish is...